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中华肾病研究电子杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (02) : 89 -93. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3216.2013.02.008


王静1, 王欣越1, 王楠1, 谢华1, 杨宁1, 陈吉林1, 林洪丽1,()   
  1. 1.116011 大连医科大学第一附属医院肾内科
  • 出版日期:2013-04-15
  • 通信作者: 林洪丽

Risk factors related to prognosis of patients with acute kidney injury in intensive care unit

Jing WANG1, Xin-yue WANG1, Nan WANG1, Hua XIE1, Ning YANG1, Ji-lin CHEN1, Hong-li LIN1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Nephrology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116011, China
  • Published:2013-04-15
  • Corresponding author: Hong-li LIN

王静, 王欣越, 王楠, 谢华, 杨宁, 陈吉林, 林洪丽. 重症监护病房急性肾损伤患者的预后及相关因素分析[J/OL]. 中华肾病研究电子杂志, 2013, 02(02): 89-93.

Jing WANG, Xin-yue WANG, Nan WANG, Hua XIE, Ning YANG, Ji-lin CHEN, Hong-li LIN. Risk factors related to prognosis of patients with acute kidney injury in intensive care unit[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Kidney Disease Investigation(Electronic Edition), 2013, 02(02): 89-93.






ICU中有26.8%(231/862)患者出现AKI,其首位基础病因是重症感染,占28.5%(66/231)。862例ICU患者中共有419例死亡,其中合并AKI的患者病死率为71.0%(164/231),明显高于无AKI患者(40.4%,255/631)。患者病死率与血清肌酐(Scr)水平、治疗前后Scr差值、AKI初发时间、AKI分期、衰竭脏器数量及APACHEⅡ评分均呈正相关。连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)后患者的APACHEⅡ评分、平均动脉压(MAP)、Scr、血尿素氮(BUN)、尿量及血钾水平均较治疗前有明显改善,但与患者病死率无显著相关性。多因素回归分析显示治疗后高血钾(OR = 4.282,95%CI 1.519 ~ 12.070)、高APACHEⅡ评分(OR = 1.318,95%CI 1.192 ~ 1.457)是AKI患者死亡的独立危险因素,而高MAP(OR = 0.972,95%CI 0.946 ~0.999)则是保护因素。COX多因素回归分析表明治疗后Scr、衰竭脏器数量及APACHEⅡ评分均是影响AKI患者生存时间的独立影响因素,而CRRT则是保护因素。




To assess the prognosis and risk factors of patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) in intensive care unit (ICU).


We performed a retrospective study of 862 patients in the ICU of the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University from September 2006 to September 2011. AKI were defined by Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) criteria. The clinical data were collected including demography, renal function, urine output, serum potassium, APACHEⅡscore, and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) treatment scheme. Logistic regression and COX regression were used to analyze the risk factors relevant to prognosis and survival of the patients.


26.8%of patients (231/862) developed AKI, the leading cause of which was severe infection (28.5%, 66/231).The all-cause mortality of ICU patients was 48.6% (419/862). The mortality was higher in patients of AKI than in non-AKI patients [71.0% (164/231) vs. 40.4% (255/631)]. Moreover, the mortality increased with primary serum creatinine (Scr), the changes of Scr before and after the treatment, the onset time of AKI,the severity of AKI, the number of organs involved, and the APACHEⅡscore. There were significant improvements in AKI patients after CRRT, including APACHEⅡscore, mean artery pressure (MAP), Scr,blood urea nitrogen, urine output, and serum potassium. But the mortality was irrelevant to whether CRRT was used or not. Logistic analysis showed that hyperkalemia (OR = 4.282, 95%CI = 1.519 - 12.070), high APACHEⅡscore (OR = 1.318,95%CI = 1.192 - 1.457) were the independent risk factors for mortality,while higher MAP was associated with lower mortality (OR = 0.972, 95%CI = 0.946 - 0.999). Cox regression analysis indicated that the number of organs involved and APACHEⅡscore were influencing factors for the survival time of patients, and CRRT was associated with long survival time.


ICU patients had higher incidence and mortality of AKI. Hyperkalemia, higher APACHEⅡscores and lower MAP after treatment were the risk factors for mortality of AKI patients. Though CRRT was not beneficial to AKI, it could improve the survival time of patients during the hospitalization.

表1 重症监护病房(ICU)中231例急性肾损伤(AKI)患者的临床基本资料
图1 231例急性肾损伤患者肾脏替代治疗与非肾脏替代治疗的生存函数曲线图
表2 231例急性肾损伤患者中连续肾脏替代治疗组与保守治疗对照组治疗前后各项指标比较
表3 影响急性肾损伤患者病死率的Logistic多因素回归分析
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