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中华肾病研究电子杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (03) : 97 -101. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3216.2018.03.001

所属专题: 文献


郑维1, 吕杨1, 耿晓东1, 洪权1, 吴镝1,()   
  1. 1. 100853 北京,解放军总医院肾脏病科、解放军肾脏病研究所、肾脏疾病国家重点实验室、国家慢性肾病临床医学研究中心
  • 收稿日期:2017-08-03 出版日期:2018-06-28
  • 通信作者: 吴镝
  • 基金资助:

Differential proteins screening: cytokines in renal tissues from patients with IgA nephropathy

Wei Zheng1, Yang Lyu1, Xiaodong Geng1, Quan Hong1, Di Wu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Nephrology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Chinese PLA Institute of Nephrology, State Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Kidney Diseases, Beijing 100853, China
  • Received:2017-08-03 Published:2018-06-28
  • Corresponding author: Di Wu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wu Di, Email:

郑维, 吕杨, 耿晓东, 洪权, 吴镝. IgA肾病患者肾脏组织中差异细胞因子的探索研究[J]. 中华肾病研究电子杂志, 2018, 07(03): 97-101.

Wei Zheng, Yang Lyu, Xiaodong Geng, Quan Hong, Di Wu. Differential proteins screening: cytokines in renal tissues from patients with IgA nephropathy[J]. Chinese Journal of Kidney Disease Investigation(Electronic Edition), 2018, 07(03): 97-101.




入选年龄18~60岁,解放军总医院肾脏病科住院肾活检确诊为IgAN患者10例;泌尿外科行肾癌肾脏切除的患者10例,取癌旁6 cm以外正常肾脏组织作为对照。肾脏组织利用L-493细胞因子抗体芯片进行检测,筛选差异蛋白质,并对差异蛋白质进行基因本体论(GO)分析。以IL-33(白介素-33)利用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)进行验证。采用IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0软件对结果进行统计分析,利用T检验对差异蛋白质进行筛选,P<0.05,并且差异蛋白质差异倍数>1.4认为是差异蛋白质。






Screening the differential proteins of cytokines in renal tissues from patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN) in order to elucidate the pathogenesis of IgAN.


10 patients, 18 to 60 years old, diagnosed as IgAN according to the renal biopsies in our hospital, were selected. 10 cases of renal cell carcinoma in department of urology of our hospital, aged 18 to 60 years, were chosen. Normal renal tissues 6 cm away from the renal cancer were taken as controls. The L-493 cytokine antibody microarray was used to screen the renal tissues for differentially-expressed proteins which were subsequently analyzed with the gene ontology (GO) method. Then interleukin-33 (IL-33) was used for validation in enzyme linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA).


A total of 25 differentially-expressed proteins were detected. The GO analysis showed that these proteins were related to stress, cell adhesion, protein metabolism, and signal transduction. And the ELISA results showed that the expression of IL-33 in the renal tissues of patients with IgAN was significantly higher than that in the control group.


The differentially-expressed proteins in the renal tissues of IgAN patients may directly or indirectly regulate inflammation, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and fibrosis. IL-33 may be involved in the pathogenesis of IgAN.

表1 IgAN组和对照组一般情况比较(±s)
图1 IgA肾病组10例患者尿蛋白定量结果
图2 差异蛋白质生物学进程分析图
图3 差异蛋白质调控网络(A)和IL-33表达水平(B)
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