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中华肾病研究电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (06) : 277 -280. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3216.2019.06.010

所属专题: 文献


赵焕焕1, 闫景瑶2, 韩秋霞3, 李琦3, 丁潇楠3, 朱晗玉3,()   
  1. 1. 100853 北京,解放军总医院第一医学中心肾脏病科、解放军肾脏病研究所、肾脏疾病国家重点实验室(2011DAV00088)、国家慢性肾病临床医学研究中心、肾脏疾病研究北京市重点实验室;450052 郑州大学第一附属医院肾脏病科、郑州大学肾脏病研究所、肾脏病重点实验室、河南省慢性肾脏病诊断与治疗重点实验室
    2. 450052 河南省人民医院肾脏病科
    3. 100853 北京,解放军总医院第一医学中心肾脏病科、解放军肾脏病研究所、肾脏疾病国家重点实验室(2011DAV00088)、国家慢性肾病临床医学研究中心、肾脏疾病研究北京市重点实验室
  • 收稿日期:2019-06-12 出版日期:2019-12-28
  • 通信作者: 朱晗玉
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(61971441、61671479); 国家重点研发项目(2016YFC1305500)

The role of mitochondrial permeability transition pore in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury

Huanhuan Zhao1, Jingyao Yan2, Qiuxia Han3, Qi Li3, Xiaonan Ding3, Hanyu Zhu3,()   

  1. 1. Department of Nephrology, The First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Chinese PLA Institute of Nephrology, State Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Kidney Diseases, Beijing Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, Beijing 100853; Department of Nephrology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Institute of Nephrology of Zhengzhou University, Henan Province Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease of, Zhengzhou 450052, Henan Province
    2. Department of Nephrology, Henan Provincial People′s Hospital, Zhengzhou 450052, Henan Province; China
    3. Department of Nephrology, The First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Chinese PLA Institute of Nephrology, State Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Kidney Diseases, Beijing Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, Beijing 100853
  • Received:2019-06-12 Published:2019-12-28
  • Corresponding author: Hanyu Zhu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhu Hanyu, Email:

赵焕焕, 闫景瑶, 韩秋霞, 李琦, 丁潇楠, 朱晗玉. 线粒体通透性转换孔在肾脏缺血再灌注损伤中的作用[J/OL]. 中华肾病研究电子杂志, 2019, 08(06): 277-280.

Huanhuan Zhao, Jingyao Yan, Qiuxia Han, Qi Li, Xiaonan Ding, Hanyu Zhu. The role of mitochondrial permeability transition pore in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Kidney Disease Investigation(Electronic Edition), 2019, 08(06): 277-280.

肾脏缺血再灌注损伤是在肾移植等术后发生的损伤,发生率高,发生机制复杂且尚不清楚,并缺乏有效的防治措施。在肾脏缺血再灌注损伤过程中,线粒体发挥重要作用,其中线粒体通透性转换孔( mPTP)这一大分子复合物在应激状态下持续开放将导致一系列功能紊乱进而介导组织损伤。理解mPTP的结构和功能会让我们更加了解肾脏缺血再灌注损伤的发生机制,有助于我们寻找新的治疗靶点,提出新的肾脏保护治疗方法。

Renal ischemia-reperfusion injury is a postoperative injury such as kidney transplantation, which has high incidence, complicated and unclear mechanism, and there are no effective prevention and treatment measures. During renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, mitochondria play an important role in which the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), a macromolecular complex that continues to open under stress will cause a series of functional disorders to mediate tissue damage. Understanding the structure and function of mPTP will allow us to better understand the mechanism of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, help us to find new therapeutic targets, and propose new methods for renal protection treatment.

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