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Chinese Journal of Kidney Disease Investigation(Electronic Edition) ›› 2012, Vol. 01 ›› Issue (01): 31-36. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3216.2012.01.008

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Value of urinary noninvasive markers in patients with IgA nephropathy

Zhuo GAO1, Ri-bao WEI1, Jie, WU1, Cai-hua LIE1, Yuan-sheng XIE1, Xiang-mei CHEN1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Nephropathy, Kidney Institute of Chinese People's Liberation Army, State Key Laboratory of Kidney Desease, Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
  • Received:2012-07-12 Online:2012-10-18 Published:2024-12-06
  • Contact: Xiang-mei CHEN



To investigate the levels of noninvasive urinary biomarkers interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-18 (IL-18), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), kidney injury molecule -1 (Kim-1) in the IgA nephropathy patients, and to demonstrate the correlation between noninvasive urinary biomarkers and clinical and histological damages in IgA nephropathy, and to evaluate the clinical application value of these urinary biomarkers.


One hundred and fifteen patients were prospectivly observed in the nephropathy department of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital from 2007 December to 2008 April, who were diagnosed as IgA nephropathy firstly through renal biopsy. All the patients with IgA nephropathy were included into IgA nephropathy group and classified according to Lee's histological classification. Thirty patients with non-IgA nephropathy (minor glomerular abnormalities 8 cases, minimal change disease 11 cases, membranous nephropathy 11 cases) entered the disease control group, and 30 healthy adults entered the healthy control group. IL-6, IL-18, TGF-β1 and Kim-1 were detected with enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA). The SPSS 13.0 statistical software was used for statistical analysis. Count data were analyzed with χ2 test,and measurement data were compared using the analysis of variance, while the correlation were analyzed with the linear correlation and Spearman rank correlation method.


Compared with the healthy control group, the disease control group and the IgA nephropathy group had significant differences in hypertensive proportion, serum urea nitrogen level, serum creatinine level, and serum albumin level (P < 0.05). According to the Lee's pathological grading, the patients of the IgA nephropathy group were divided into mild group (15 cases), moderate group (63 cases), and severe group (37 cases). The levels of urinary IL-6, IL-18, TGF-β1 and Kim-1 in IgA nephropathy group were higher than those of the healthy control group (P < 0.05). With the pathological grade increasing, the urinary levels of IL-6, IL-18, TGF-β1 and Kim-1 increased in the patients with IgA nephropathy. The levels of urinary IL-6, IL-18, TGF-β1 and Kim-1 in severe sub-group were higher than those of the mild sub-group or moderate sub-group (P < 0.05). The urinary levels of IL-6, IL-18, TGF-β1 and Kim-1 were correlated with glomerular filtration rate, the degree of glomerulosclerosiss,degree of renal tubular atrophy, fibrosis, and infiltration of inflammatory cells in the renal interstitium. In combining the urinary IL-6 and urinary KIM-1, or urinary TGF-β1 and urinary IL-6 for diagnosis of the pathological grade of IgA nephropathy, the sensitivity reached respectively 82.6% and 78.3%, and the specificity 88.9% and 92.2%, respectively. In combining the urinary IL-6 and urinary TGF- β1 for diagnosis of the renal chronic degree, the sensitivity and specificity reached 81.5% and 82.6%, respectively.


The urinary levels of IL-6, IL-18, TGF-β1 and Kim-1 can reflect clinical and pathological lesions of IgA nephropathy patients. Two urinary biomarkers combination for diagnose of the pathological characters have clinical practicability. IL-6 and KIM-1 or TGF- β1 and IL-6 combination for diagnose of the pathological classification, and IL-6 and TGF- β1 combination for diagnosis of the chronic degree, showed higher sensitivity and specificity.

Key words: Glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, Interleukin-6, Interleukin-18, Transforming growth factor beta-1, Kidney injure molecule-1

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